Every expectant parent hopes and wishes for a healthy child. Many expectant mothers go to great lengths to offer their unborn child the best opportunities for health as they grow and develop. This typically includes prenatal care, extra vitamins, appropriate exercise...
Month: April 2017
4 things you may not know have been linked to cancer
You're in your 40s now, and you're starting to think about cancer. You're not worried, per se, but you have a family and you own your business, so there's a lot at stake. You also know many of the common cancer causes and you do what you can to avoid them. You smoke...
Work with experienced attorney to establish solid basis for brain injury damages
Previously, we began looking at a recent study exploring a new potential biomarker for determining the outcome of traumatic brain injuries in pediatric patients. As we noted, such studies are fairly common and the medical community is continuing to explore potential...
Medical community continues searching for effective way to predict brain injury outcomes
Brain injuries can be complicated creatures, not only for those who suffer them, but also for those seeking to provide effective medical care to them. One of the challenges with traumatic brain injuries, as readers may be aware, is predicting the accident...
DOT permanently cuts Hours of Service requirement under 34-hour restart rule
Previously, we began looking at the federal Hours of Service rules, which impose limits on the amount of time truck drivers may spend behind the wheel and prescribe periods of rest. The aim of these rules, we noted, is to ensure that truck drivers are adequately...
A brief look at the Hours of Service rules
Truck accidents, like other motor vehicle accidents, can occur for a variety of reasons. One of the common causes for truck accidents, one which has received a great deal of attention in recent years, is driver fatigue. Because truck drivers spend long hours on the...