The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is a federal agency that is tasked with warning consumers and retailers in Kentucky and elsewhere about defective or unreasonably dangerous products. One product that is becoming a known danger in the FDA lexicon of unsafe...
Product Liability
Unsafe products can lead to product liability claims
Every day, Kentucky residents purchase products for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the product is intended to make a task easier to perform, or perhaps it is intended to enhance the individual's appearance. Regardless, when the individual purchases the product, he or...
Certain halogen light bulbs are hazardous consumer products
Consumers in Kentucky who have purchased certain halogen light bulbs may be affected by a recent product recall. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, GTC halogen light bulbs by H-E-B are hazardous consumer products that should not be used. These...
Multicookers recalled due to being unsafe products
Consumers in Kentucky who enjoy using Instant Pot multicookers may be taken aback by a recent recall involving these products. Specifically, Double Insight has recalled 104,000 of its Gem 65 8-in-1 multicookers. These devices were recently deemed unsafe products due...
Despite laws and regulations, unsafe products make it to you
Nearly every industry must abide by laws and regulations that apply to it. This includes companies that manufacture products that eventually make their way into the hands of consumers here in Kentucky and throughout the country. As evidenced by news articles regarding...
Who is responsible for your exposure to toxic chemicals?
It may have started with simply feeling rundown, perhaps a cough or some other symptoms that were more of a nuisance than anything else. When you finally went to a Kentucky doctor, testing showed that you suffered from exposure to toxic chemicals. How did this happen,...
FDA to consider patient feedback on medical devices
To the average Kentucky patient, medical devices look otherworldly, as if they stepped aboard an alien spaceship for their operation. It’s hard to entrust your well-being to a machine that you know nothing about. Given the horror stories of defective device...
Did defective equipment cause your workplace injury?
When most Kentucky residents think about product liability law, they think about salmonella causing foods, faulty wiring in a household appliance or even malfunctioning airbags. You may not consider that a workplace injury could also result in a product liability...
What must be proven to win a product liability case?
Sellers and manufacturers have a duty to provide working and properly labeled products to consumers. If a drug, device, vehicle or other type of product has caused you harm then you may be able to recover compensation through a product liability suit. It is best to...
EpiPen maker accused of neglecting life-threatening malfunctions
EpiPens have been in the news lately, and not for their life-saving properties. From accusations of price gouging to a recall in Singapore over concerns regarding defects, the device has been getting a lot of flak over improprieties and more. Now, there's more...