Any accident involving any two vehicles can result in serious injuries and death for those involved. Car accidents involving large trucks are particularly dangerous for drivers of smaller vehicles, though, not only because of the sheer weight and size difference in...
Month: May 2017
Here are some top causes of industrial workplace accidents
Industrial accidents happen from time to time. Even when employees and employers are doing whatever they can to prevent trouble, there is always the potential of something bad happening. For example, one employee may act in a negligent manner, thus putting many others...
Failure to treat or erroneous treatment can be fatal
It goes without saying that most people put a high level of trust in their medical team. From nurses to doctors to pharmacists, they trust these people to provide high quality care and medical advice. But what happens if something goes wrong? Is it possible that a...
Work with experienced attorney to make best possible use of crash investigation reports
Last time, we looked briefly at a report by the National Safety Council which found that many states don’t do enough to collect important information about motor vehicle crashes. As we noted last time, the report found that the state of Kentucky uses...
Report highlights states’ failure to gather important crash data
Motor vehicle accidents can occur for a wide variety of reasons, some of them within the control of drivers, and some of them not so much in drivers’ control. Whenever an accident occurs, law enforcement is one of the first to be on the scene and to begin...
What is the difference between personal injury, survival, and wrongful death claims?
When a motor vehicle accident occurs, a lot of injury and loss can result, depending on the circumstances of the crash. In any case, it is important for accident victims to have their case thoroughly evaluated to determine who is responsible for the crash, what...